AOIWO LLC 2017 Update


The board of directors recently held their annual meeting.  Topics covered at the meeting were…

  • Annual election of officers
  • Annual dues
  • Current water compliance status

A letter was composed and sent out yesterday to all property owners of record for Acres of Ireland filing #2. Property owner addresses were taken from the Fremont County Assessor’s website.  If you did not receive your copy and you are a current property owner within the sub-division, you can view and download a copy from here: 2017 Annual Nomination Letter. The annual letter contains all of the pertinent details but for a quick overview review these topics:

This year, the positions up for election are:

  • President – Ed Zabrisky
  • Secretary – Tom Kainz
  • Member at Large – Marshall Nichols.


If you or another property owner would like to be considered for a board position, please fill out the nomination form (which was part of the annual letter). Nominating members and nominees must be member’s in good standing. Nominations must be received by 6/21 7/20. Ballots will be mailed out a week after that to all member’s in good standing.

After review of our current compliance status and our annual expenses, condition of existing equipment, insurance and operating fees, we are happy to announce that the annual dues will remain at their current level of $45.



While the Board has worked hard at keeping the annual dues as low as possible, they could be even lower if all whom were supposed to contribute did.  Last year only slightly more than 50% of the required members contributed.  The Board has opted this year to report non-payers to the Colorado Division of Water Resources, and publish the non-payers on the website.  We can’t say, and we have no control over, how the Division Engineer’s office may respond.  We’d prefer to avoid this step, but deem it a reasonable step to promote a fair sharing of the costs and responsibilities we chose.

This marks the seventh year in a row that the Board has been in full compliance with the W4447 decree. Maintaining compliance through the appropriate and timely water releases insures the Divisional Water Engineer and the Colorado Division of Water Resources  are all happy campers and the threats we’ve had in the past of legal action are kept at bay.

Important Dates to Remember:

 (Updated 7/3 – Annual dues and nomination forms are still rolling so we’ve been asked to extend the deadlines. The new deadlines are below in blue)

  • June 21st  July 20th
    • Last day to submit a name to be included on the ballot
    • Both you and the nominee MUST be members in good standing on or before the name is submitted. You may include your annual dues along with your nomination
  • June 26th  July 28th
    • Ballots will be mailed out to member’s in good standing
  • July 10th  August 15th
    • Last day for ballots to be received by AOIWO, LLC (by mail or in person)
  • July 15th  August 21st
    • Web site will be updated with voting results and new Board of Directors

A final Note….

It’s been some time since we’ve had an “all-hands” meeting. Check back soon to keep updated on the status of a Acres of Ireland Well Owners public meeting to be scheduled for Late August / Early September.